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tv   ABC7 News 1100PM  ABC  September 20, 2013 11:00pm-11:36pm PDT

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the wind is picking up and the clouds are moving in. get ready for a wet weekend. good evening. i'm dan ashley. carolyn johnson has the night off. the weather is changing with the season. here is a live look outside from the camera on the roof of the building looking at the city skyline. the clouds are rolling in. abc7 news meteorologist sandhya patel is watching it on live doppler 7hd. >> it is a fall-like system on doppler hd. let's show you the radar and you can see some green on the screen. we are picking up measurable rain in the north bay. santa rosa .001 of an inch and ukiah, .002. the clear lake area is picking up very light returns. drizzly just off the san mateo
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coastline with the green there and that's an indication that the atmosphere is moistening up. much is low-level moisture so you will run into drizzle and light shower. one thing for sure, you will need the windshield wipers. how long will you need to carry those for the weekend plans? i'll let you know all about it and tell you what fall will bring. a different kind of storm is blowing through 49er headquarters. a star player busted for dui. here is alden smith's booking photo. the line backer arrested by san jose police this morning after crashing his car. sergio is live tonight where it happened. sergio, you spoke with his teammate of the -- teammate who lives a few doors down? >> spoke with his teammate and a neighbor who says he was the one who found aldon smith this morning. that neighbor doesn't want to go on camera, but he found the 49er cutting in -- sitting on the front seat and leaning up against the steering wheel and passed out and his foot still
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on the gas peddle. you can see where the rear wheels were spinning out. that means smith was visiting the 49er teammate that lives up the street. ray mcdonald lives about eight houses away, but didn't want to talk much. >> was he over last night? >> i can't talk about it. >> you can't? any comment at all? no? >> reporter: several may bores say there are often parties at mcdonald's home so they believe smith was here when he missed a turn and ended up near this house. one neighbor could smell the rubor and found a stuck truck with the tires spinning out. she lives here and also smelled something burning. >> i don't know why the engine is working. the car stop, but the smoke come out, but he asleep. >> they say smith was taken
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from the scene and eventually charged with suspicion of dui. according to the san jose mercury news he had a blood alcohol level of .15. smith quickly bonded out of jail. we visited his house in san jose, but did not get a response. he did show up pour practice. coach jim harbaugh addressed the incident immediately after the team cleared the field. >> disappointed and felt like he needs to go to work and face his teammates and soldier through. >> harbaugh would not discuss how the nfl will handle this. 234* san jose, abc7 news. >> now, the league will likely look at smith's history before making a decision about a suspension. it includes a january 2012dui arrest in miami. this is a mug shot from that arrest. the charge was later reduced to reckless driving. smith threw a party at his home in san jose. he was seabed, but not hurt
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seriously. two men were shot there and smith says he was not the shooter, but both filed lawsuits against him this month. prosecutors say he could still face gun charges after being found with three assault rifles that are illegal in california. one of smith's teammates encouraged the teammates to use the nfl players new partnership with the ride sharing uber. it said make sure to check out uber to get places without driving. we don't know if they officially signed up, but the service will be available in 20 nfl cities. mentioning the raiders going across the bay, news about a raider devastated after his dogs attacked and killed a chiuaua in brentwood. two pittbull mixes belonging to jones charged the chiuaua on monday night. the dog was being walked by her owner according to our media partner, the san jose mercury news. jones' agent said his client
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was with the dogs when it happened and he tried to get in touch with the owner. the dogs may be in quarantine where two pittbulls are tonight. pittbulls that mauled a little boy this summer. and now there is a growing effort to get the dogs put down. alan wang is in antioch with the animal control report just released. >> the antioch animal control officer's report talks about a bloody stirwell where hunter was attacked by his neighbor's two pittbulls on august 11th. his face was mauled and part of his ear chewed off. the dog owner's son was bitten on the arm while trying to stop the uhing tay. the report -- the attack. both had expired rabies vaccinations and the animal control investigator has deemed them to be vicious and recommending they be euthanatized. the owners who would not answer our attempt to contact them told the city they would do anything they needed to do to fight for their dogs. >> these people are making a desperate attempt to save
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their dogs at the expense of the health and safety of the neighborhood and my client. >> now some are passing out these fliers asking people to speak out against the hearing in an attempt to save the dogs and bring them home. >> if they are not contained they will get out and somebody else will be hurt. >> she will be at the hearing to explain why she shot this video of the escaped dogs in front of the de la cruz home. it happened before hunter was attacked. >> i thought of what may have happened to me had i been running past it that time. it is not the first incident the dogs have gotten out. >> the report says there were two sets of bite marks on hunter, but mr. and mrs. de la cruz said only one pittbull attacked the boy. the fate of the dogs will be decided at the hearing on thursday. in antioch, alan wang, abc7 news. san francisco police say a notorious san francisco street gang is running a dog fighting ring and they have the video
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to prove it. the video which you will see only on abc7 news is violent and disturbing and we will not show you the worst of it. don't worry. it gets pretty bad apparently. it shows two pittbulls fighting as their owners slap and punch and provoke them to fight more. police arrested three men in connection with the dog fight after finding video of the dog fight on the cell phone of one of the suspects. police believe one of the dogs may have died. concord police arrested a man suspected of stealing personal information from an automated postal machine. they found a device called a skimmer attached to the machine at the con card -- concord main post office this week. on tuesday the post office inspectors caught the suspect when they say he tried to retrieve his equipment and inspectors searched a hotel room in walnut creek where he was saying they say they found stolen credit card numbers and pin numbers there. postal service is planning to take action against the security camera video.
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it shows a postal worker tossing a package to a front porch. the homeowner says the thump was so loud he thought somebody was breaking into the house. what was inside? it contained a radio which was damaged. usps promises to hold talks with all of the offices to emphasize the proper protocol for handling people's packages. tonight a transgender teenager has been selected homecoming queen at a southern california high school. 6 -- 16-year-old cassidy lynn campbell was crowned queen why huntington beach. she has been living as a woman for three years. she plans to become more active in the lgbt community and fight for equality. still to come, a bay area elementary school hit by vandals. the bizarre images left at the school. we'll show you what was there. and fist fights and arrests. the apple fans desperate to get their hands on a new iphone.
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and consumer reports review that new phone. and a worker who refused to let a woman get away with stealing from a blind man gets a special phone call. stay w
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an elementary school on the peninsula was covered with graffiti and even more of a shame because the school was extensively remodeled over the summer. just two weeks into the school year students and teachers are wonder whog could do such a thing. who could do such a thing? >> fox elementary school in belmont was hit by vandals between midnight on wednesday and 6:30 on thursday morning. the taggers turned the school into their personal playground leaving messages and drawings on the blacktop, tables, curbs and out buildings. >> it looked like a zombie face and there was like a message like drop it like it's hot. >> reporter: some kids were really upset by it. >> i thought they were bad guys that came to our school at the night and then painted it with graffiti. >> reporter: parents can't understand why anyone would want to deface the school. >> the whole school was remodeled and it looked beautiful.
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it was disappointing that somebody would do that. >> little kids play here. they don't need the graffiti all over. >> reporter: some of the graffiti has been painted over like on this shed, but you can still see the red in between. this is a temporary solution. a contractor will be coming to do a more permanent fix. it is still unknown how much it will cost to get rid of the graffiti, but the dollar amount makes a difference. >> if the cost of repairing and repainting gets high enough this could be potentially charged as a felony. >> reporter: police hope someone will come forward with information about who is responsible so they can be held accountable. ama dates, abc7 news. apple believes it will sell five or six iphone 5s smartphones this weekend, the first weekend they went on sale. for some it has been a struggle getting their hands on one. >> out of the way. get out of the way. >> in pasadena fights broke out at an apple store this morning. it happened after a man promised to pay dozens of homeless people to stand in
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line to get their hands on the phone, but they were nef paid. the guy stiffed them. two people were arrested. it was much more peaceful at the palo alto flagship store. the new iphone was sold out as expected. meantime consumer reports teamed up with the news to released the preliminary test results from the lab. it looks like the 5, but there are differences. a cool scaner registered your fingerprint. and consumer report finds it blocks everyone else so it is effective. and consumer report test shows the camera delivers better results for still photos in low light conditions than the iphone 5. there is a faster processor on the iphone 5s to improving -- to improve graphics and the ios7 is more user friendly. >> overall the 5s is not a revolutionary step forward for apple. at first look it is an
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improvement over the previous iphone with lots of cool features. >> apple released iphone 5c and it starts at $99. consumer reports will be putting both phones through a full range of tests. we will keep you updated on what they find out. 23* you are going to buy a new iphone, be sure to watch the abc app. it allows you to see our programming as we stream it live or later on demand. it is a free download in the apple app store. the america's cup race will go on tomorrow after new zealand was yards away from the prize. in the first race, they were closing in on the finish line when time ran out. the races were 40 minutes long and the winds were too light to push them to a victory. oracle won the race, but they need just one more win to take the cup. oracle ceo is being criticized
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for focusing on team usa. he missed the company's earnings call this week to focus on the america's a cup. and today we learned he has declined his annual cash bonus because the company missed its earnings target. ellis son will still earn $78.4 million in stock options however. he will do fine. a 19-year-old dairy queen employee in minnesota who did the right thing got a call today from none other than warren buffet. buffet talked for 10 minutes with joey telling the teenager that he was thankful for all he d this week he saw a visually impaired man drop a $20 bill. a woman took it and wouldn't give it back believe it or not. well, this young man politely tossed her out of the store and handed the man $20 from his own pocket. nice guy. great to hear from warren buffet. maybe he gave him a stock tip that will come in handy. sandhya patel is here and we talked about the storm
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coming in and it looks like a partial wet weekend. >> absolutely. tomorrow is the last day of summer and you will be sporting an umbrella, how appropriate. here is live doppler 7hd and let's talk about the moisture right now. a lot is below the radar beam. it is the low-level moisture as the system is coming in. we are seeing pockets of light returns around gernville and picking up light rain. i had a viewer, diane uh b, on my facebook page and she said it is coming down. we are getting light returns around mill valley. it is drizzly and light showers around and a little drizzle showing up along the san mateo county coast. don't be surprised if you have to use your windshield wipers. from our exploratorium camera you can see the clouds coming in and a cool shot there. here are your temperatures, 65 in san francisco and 67 in oakland and san jose, 59 in half moon bay. the high temperatures today are down only in the mid60 tots low 80s. just as we
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expected the sea breeze kicked in and the clouds rolled in and those temperatures fell. it is going to get cooler tomorrow, so grab your jacket or sweater and it will be a wet one for your saturday. the kgo roof camera and clouds gathering around the financial district of san francisco. santa rosa 63 and 64 in novato and antioch 66 currently in concord. livermore in the mid60s. pretty mild with the cloud cover insulating us. from our emeryville camera nice dramatic shot as you look out toward the bay. showers through your saturday and there is a slight chance of thunder. fall arrives at 1:44 on sunday. and i have you covered. the second half of your weekend you will see sunshine and mild weather for next week. let's look at this system here. it is in two parts. the first one here is going to be responsible for the drizzle and the light showers overnight tonight. the second wave here, this is the stronger one. it could produce some heavier showers for your saturday plans. 11:00 p.m. and most of the moisture is still in the north bay.
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watch what happens as we head into the overnight hours. a few isolated showers or a little drizzle. 10:00 a.m., organized showers, light to moderate in intensity. your morning plans move in and it starts to shift south and east around the time you are sitting down to eat lunch. make sure you have your umbrellas around right on through the evening hours. then you can put them away. the first snow of the season is coming, but this will be above the pass level at 8,000 feet. it is mixing with the showers. this system is more like the type you would see in the fall than in summertime. south bay locations, .001 to .01, not a lot and north bay with higher amounts. the rest of the bay area is less than the north bay. the morning will start out mild with temperatures in the mid50s to the low 60s. you will need the umbrellas and slick roadways for the afternoon. highs in the mid60 tots low 70s. it is cereal than average.
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it is the first day of fall at 1:44 p.m. sunshine and mild weather for the rest of next week. if you are going to stanford for the game tomorrow make sure you have your rain gear. if you are going to the niners game, enjoy the sun. >> no poncho needed there. colin rush is in for larry. >> vernon davis reacts to the arrest. >> and the a's talk about a second crown and the question was answered, who wins a shooting game between step
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when ifor your business..curity tyco integrated security. we'll do a security review of your business to understand your needs, customize an integrated solution that meets your specific challenges. and deliver it all with responsive local service, and a personal passion to help you protect your business. we'll even give you the power to manage it all... right from the palm of your hand. call us for a free security review. the a's could be champions tomorrow night. their magic number is now down to two. the a's should have fire works in the theme every night.
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a sellout at the coliseum. the play of the game and she catch as foul ball and goes for the high five and the husband was bye-bye hot dog. a's fans they deserve a pennant and they are getting close. the 25th of the year and it is the 1-0 lead. 4-0 in the fifth. the bases loaded for chris young. a great stop by edwardo escobar. the throw gets away and the third error of the game for minnesota and here comes everyone. three-run error and all a's, all the time. 11-0 the final. texas lost to kansas city. like i said magic numbers are 2 and the a's win it tomorrow afternoon. coupled with the rangers loss tomorrow night and the a's are the division champs. tim lincecum pitching for the first time in the bronx. giants opening it up with the yankees. curtis grann deer son is the victim there. pulled by bruce bochy after pulling him in the seventh.
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alex rodriguez, oh no, and a major league record 24th career grand slam for arod. the scoring ends there and it is 5-1 yankees. will he play sunday against the colts or won't he? a suspension by the nfl is coming. but for what length? these are a few of the questions surrounding the 49ers line backer aldon smith after his arrest in san jose. he crashed his car after 7:00 a.m. and booked on charges of driving under the influence and marijuana possession and then posted bond and joined teammates for afternoon practice. he had numerous run ins with the law since being drafted in 2011. teammates are clearly disappointed in what is becoming a disturbing trend for smith. >> even myself coming in as a young guy i had to go through some things. there comes a point that you have to really just say okay, this is it. i have to get myself on the right track. i have to shape up. i need to just do the right thing. i think as a young guy he will
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learn. >> great event put on by the warriors. the flash brothers parent-child basketball clinic and steph curry's dad proving father knows best beating steph of a game of pig. and there is larry beil. what is this prison rules? double pump reverse and how about the hang time from beil? i envision a random drug test in larry's future. >> i don't know if i would call it that a? >> the push up, really. come on, larry. you are better than that. ace said at 9:00, the -- as i said at 9 othe video of the year. i have to hand it to him. he looked pretty good. not bad. >> did he send us all of the out takes? >> we didn't see the misses. >> thanks. coming up, the million dollar bet on the line when the raiders face the denver
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nice car. sure is. make a deal with me, kid, and you can have the car and everything that goes along with it. [ thunder crashes, tires squeal ] ♪ ♪ so, what do you say? thanks... but i think i got this. ♪ [ male announcer ] the all-new cla. starting at $29,900. umbrella in the morning.
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here is your wake up weather. scattered showers as we head into your saturday. breezy at the coast. slight chance of thunder. 50s, 60s. lisa argen will be tracking the rain with live doppler 7 at 5:00 a.m. >> thank you, sandhya. there is a lot on the line between the game between the raiders and the denver broncos. they will give away more than $1 million worth of refrigerators and dishwashers if the broncos shut out the silver and black. anything bought in the store worth at least $399 between now and sunday is free. that's if denver put a goose egg on the raiders. unfortunately all of those folks are going to have to pay. hope you have a terrific weekend. i'm an dashly and from all of us here, appreciate your time, gad night.
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we run errands. we run to the grocery store. in fact, the average american drives fewer than 29 miles a day. the 100% electric nissan leaf goes two-and-a-half times that on a single charge. it's a car. it just doesn't take gas. [ farrar ] so think about where you go in a day. do you really need gas to get there? [ male announcer ] the 100% electric nissan leaf. nissan. innovation that excites. now get a 2013 nissan leaf for $199 a month.
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♪ >> dicky: from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live!" tonight -- simon cowell, stacy keibler and music from gary clark jr. with cleto and the cletones. and now, stay put, here's jimmy kimmel! ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: hi, there. thank you for watching. thank you for coming. i am glad you are watching. i am happy to have you here. i ha t


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